Good Morning, Tea!

Tea!! Such a necessary beverage during morning times and….other times! I mean you may ask any decent (or indecent) tea lover and they would sing praises about the several magical traits of tea. As soon as you wake, after you take care of all your other (ahem) needs, you drag yourself to the kitchen, and…

Stories on the Move, Chapter 2- Agnes, her father’s keeper

“Hey Jude, don’t make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better…”  – The Beatles, “Hey, Jude!” Monday, 17th September That morning started off just like any other ordinary one at our home; With me yelling like a…

Stories on the Move, Chapter 1 – Resilient Georgia

Sonder:  the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which…

Mum’s the Word… :)

As I have mentioned in my previous posts, I was hardly an angel while growing up. I was rebellious and angry most of the time and was only in a good mood when there was something good to eat. I was the poster child of angry difficult teenagers and did everything opposite of what my…


Today I had the extreme pleasure of stumbling upon the trailer of a new Hindi movie called “Veere di Wedding”. What a happenstance! While the almost 3 minutes long video successfully shows the gist and the premise of this new rather fascinating movie, what shook me the most was the A-list actresses such as Sonam,…

The Joke that is Modesty!

I have written, deleted and re-written this post over 5 times now, yet I am unable to properly express myself. This almost never happens to me, but the recent events have left me dumbfounded and speechless, scrambling for the words that have inexplicably escaped me. So, I am writing this post as a distraught mother…

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Millenials

Around 20 years ago, a single mother of terribly humble means created a magical world of witches and wizards, of broomsticks and invisibility cloak, of competitive quidditch matches and cutthroat games of magical chess, of mighty dragons and majestic hippogriff, of humble house elves and somber thestrals, soul-sucking dementors and dull trolls… Of love, friendship,…

Holi hai Holi!

Wow! Is it Holi already? There was a time when I couldn’t wait to celebrate this festival and now I don’t even know when Holi is until a Google search confirms it. When did that happen? Being born and brought up in Delhi, where Holi is a huge deal, I should at least know the date of…

Love and more…

In view of Valentine’s day, I am feeling strangely mushy with all the declarations of Love around me and the need to decode the mystery around the most feared and revered L-word (no.. not that one 😛 ), Love, is more than ever. Now many who have started reading this post would think to themselves,…

The shoes at Danube

A relic of the profound loss that the Hungarian Jewish community suffered at the hands of the Nazis. This beautiful sculpture was established at the bank of the river Danube in 2005, to remember those men and women who were shot with arrows into the depths of this river. Made of bronzed metal they remind…