The Graves of Sweet Goodbyes…

“Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! and lips, O you The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss A dateless bargain to engrossing death.” Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare Why do we travel? I think it is mostly due to this irresistible urge to make use of our feet, walk and…

The pitfalls of Modern day Feminism (and how to avoid them)

So, 2018 has been declared as “the year of Women”! Isn’t this just brilliant? A whole year just for Women. When I read about this, I was overwhelmed and delighted and incredibly flattered. I mean finally… finally we have an year to ourselves! This obviously must mean that in 2018 women will not be harassed…

Mumbai – The inadvertent abode

My first ever visit to the magical, mysterious city of dreams, Bombay, was when I was 12 years old. I was the quintessential Delhi-born brat (no offence to any other brat out there) and truly terrified of crowded areas (this was before Delhi transformed into what it is now). I was travelling with family and…